TypeDuck 打得粵拼輸入法
Cantonese for everyone at your fingertips
安裝指南 (中文)
Installation Guides (EN)

Type Chinese characters with Jyutping

Type in words: No need to select character by character even if a word consists of multiple Chinese characters

Type with abbreviations: Suitable for users who are not familiar with Jyutping or Cantonese pronunciation, or for those who would like to type quicker

Enter the tone: If there are too many characters to choose from, you may specify the tone to reduce the number of options
聲調 tone | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
標示 indication | v | x | q | vv | xx |

輸入 si 會出現粵拼為 si 的選字
Type si for characters that are spelled as si in Jyutping

輸入 siv 會出現粵拼為 si 且為第一聲的選字
Type siv for tone 1 characters that are spelled as si in Jyutping
Fault tolerance: Input with common Jyutping mistakes
註:y 音在粵拼以 j 標示。
Note: The y sound in English is represented by j in Jyutping.

混合英文輸入,不需轉換鍵盤 (輸入英文後按 Enter/「確認」)
Enter English without switching between keyboards (Press Enter / ‘Confirm’ after entering an English word)

Recommended character combinations: The system’s built-in memory remembers typed word combinations

Reverse lookup: When encountering a character that you are unable to pronounce, you may make use of the reverse lookup function and enter the parts separately
Android 會於稍後支援此功能。
The feature will supported in Android shortly.

長按 r 鍵,選擇「兩」
Long press on r, choose ‘兩’
Windows, Web:
按 ` 鍵(位於 Esc 鍵下方)並輸入 l
Press the ` key (backtick, located under the Esc key) and type l

分開輸入部件 Enter parts separately
門 (mun) + 一 (jat) = 閂 (saan)
門 (mun) + 日 (jat) = 間 (gaan)
Traditional – Simplified Cantonese Conversion

Enter Jyutping, then press the ‘⌄’ button on the right
Windows, Web:
按 Ctrl + ` 鍵(位於 Esc 鍵下方)或 F4
Press the Ctrl + ` key (backtick, located under the Esc key) or F4

Press the ‘繁’ button on the right
Windows, Web:
按 4 或按一下「4. 繁體」
Press 4 or click ‘4. 繁體’

The characters become simplified Chinese characters, press the ‘⌃’ button on the right to continue typing

Simplified Chinese character character selection interface